
We provide full training for all new carers joining our team. Our training provides the theory and practical skills required to work as a Health Care Assistant for Beech Tree Total Care.

After completing your induction training you will be required to partake in shadow shifts with a senior carer. After three months you will then meet with your branch manager and they will check how you are performing within your role.
You’ll be placed on a personal development plan that’s unique to you, so we can identify any support you need for your personal and career development. You will be given ongoing refresher courses, regular meetings and spot checks.

You may be interested in developing your career in care by:

  • Specialising in a particular condition/area, such as dementia care
  • Completing a formal health and social qualification
  • Moving to an office role in care management, our people team, finance or sales and marketing.

New to Beech Tree

At Beech Tree, our carers are the foundation for everything we do. So we try to do much more than just provide our staff with training – we also like to invest in our employees personal development.

New to Beech Tree? We will provide you with:

  • Intense induction training before you start
  • Ongoing refresher courses as and when needed, in line with CQC recommendation
  • Job related specialist training
  • A personal development plan to identify any areas for development
  • The opportunity to complete a formal health and social care qualification
  • The opportunities to grow your career
  • Our staff are also required to complete the Skills for Care ‘Care Certificate’ within induction training. This is to ensure that all our new staff are trained to meet the national minimum requirements for working in the health and social care sector.

Further development

We encourage all staff to complete their Level 2 Diploma in health and social care. If you have already achieved this well done that’s excellent news, but why not push yourself a little bit further and do your Level 3 Diploma in health and social care!

We also have a number of other fully funded NCFE courses available. For example Level 2 safe handling of medication and Level 2 End of Life Care.

If you are interested in doing a Diploma or NCFE please speak with your manager once you have completed probation.